Posted on 24 August 2018
I have been searching for joy so much lately. Writing gratitude lists, seeking healing from past hurts & disappointments, all good things right?! But it’s hit me lately that this ‘fruit of the spirit’ doesn’t grow because of my efforts.
These things all help for sure, but when I put my faith in God, He will continue to reproduce his nature in me, and the by product of that is joy. Not the other way around. It’s not by my effort or willpower.
My devotion this morning was spot on and one line jumped out to me -
‘Fruit doesn’t struggle to grow; it simply draws life from the tree to which it’s connected and thrives.’ @thewordfortoday
What an encouragement and posture shift!
If you are needing one of these ‘fruits’ or character traits of God today, whether that be peace, self-control, kindness, perseverance...I pray you will ‘connect’ to Him through the Word & prayer and rest in knowing the fruit is producing.
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