Modern Christian Easter Garland Printable
Posted on 01 April 2015

With Easter being so early this year, I feel it has completely crept up on me! Do you feel it too? I walk through the shops and I'm shocked, but at the same time delighted, to see so much chocolate around! (Although to be honest I have been buying the new apples and cinnamon hot cross buns from Coles for a few months now - guilty!)
I have all the best intentions to have this Easter garland to you earlier, but with all my prep for Easterfest taking the best of my attention, I only uploaded these photos today. Just in the nick of time for you to do a quick print, but and hang at your place!
I hope you have a lovely Easter weekend. I'm praying for a new understanding of the sacrifice that was made on the Cross, and what Jesus' conquering death means in this earthly life. I don't want to have a cliche Easter, but one that carries personal significance. I hope it's that for you too.
Stay safe, have fun, remember, eat chocolate, and don't forget to get your Easter Garland!