Leaving the pity party

Posted on 10 February 2016

It's been an extremely early start at my place this morning. I awoke to the sound of a toddler crying. Regardless of my best efforts to comfort, it kept going...on and off...for an hour and a half! Gah! So I did what any normal mum would do...I joined in!

I laid on a nearby bed quietly cried right along with her. I had hit the wall...or the floor in this case! : )

We've just moved house. We are still in between both houses. I have three kids. I work. I have commitments. But, I'm so bone weary tired. Tired of not having a full nights sleep. Tired of getting up. Tired of boxes and things not in their own space. Tired of no order. Tired of the grunt work of parenting. When do they do this sleep-in, have to drag them out of bed in the morning thing?? I can't wait. 

I was lying there thinking about my day ahead. Feeling sorry for myself. Thinking of all the things I want to accomplish today, the work and deadlines I have. Knowing that naps are going to be off-schedule. Things will most likely not go to plan. I had my own personal pity party going on. 

So I gave up on going back to sleep myself. I put some washing on and could hear the crying upstairs become less and less until I knew she was back to sleep. I knew I could get stuck into some work. I could catch up on some 'Farmer wants a wife', but I remembered a conversation with my sister-in-law yesterday mentioning Sally Clarkson.

It's been a while since I've been on her blog or read one of her books.  So I jumped on the computer and searched for her videos. I needed something. Something to break the mood I was in. In my flesh, I know this rude awakening would have justified me having an awful day. But through the encouragement of God's word; the encouragement of a woman who has gone before me; her words lightened my load. I love this quote she used when talking about our children that we can't work out, or situations that don't seem to have a solution. As a mum, 'I don't have all the answers. But I have the Bible & I have God'. 

She reminded me to continue being faithful. To be compassionate because God is compassionate to me. That my motherhood matters. It is Holy in fact. It has given me focus and refreshment as I face this new day. 

I'm so thankful!

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