Posted on 05 December 2017

I had this blog post written in my draft folder for a week and then on Sunday the sermon was on this very topic…gah…a sure sign I should have hit publish back when I wrote it! Thanks God for the kick up the butt and encouragement it was a word for now! : )
I will restore for you the years that the locust has eaten...- Joel 2:25 (AMP)We were living at my parents house after selling up our home, investment property and most of our earthly possessions. We were in the throes of preparing to move our young family to Canada to follow a dream.
One morning, during a quiet moment with God at the kitchen table, I remember reading this verse in my devotions. It was one of those moments when a scripture jumps off the page. The words from the devotion; ‘He would restore all that was lost’ were a great promise. It was after I had experienced multiple miscarriages, but more recent than that, we had lost some money selling the two properties we had. We knew God was bigger than the real estate market, but in human terms, it was bad timing for real estate sales. We felt that this move was the right thing but there were definitely sacrifices. So, when this verse jumped off the page for me that day, it was the reassurance and hope I needed to hear from God that we were indeed on the right path. A promise God would restore what was lost.
We tracked off overseas with optimism in our eyes and hope in our heart.
Canada was the dream. It was a desire my Canadian-born husband had had for years. To go back to the ‘mother land’, the home of his idealic childhood. Moving at the same time as some family, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do something different. To use our gifts and abilities. To live a big and full life. It was a fresh start. Everything felt like it was falling into place.
However, (….that word “however”…wreaks of a curve ball doesn’t it?) what we had hoped would be a grand adventure turned into bitter disappointment. Deeply hurt by people who are meant to have your best interests at heart, we became filled with confusion and heartache. We went to Canada expecting God to restore, yet we moved back home to Australia two years later, in a much worse position than when we’d left. Where was the restoration?
Fast forward three years, the limbo land has become home. Circumstances have not changed. We’ve settled. There are still wonderings. I know that verse was a promise to me. But, what am I to do we do with unmet promises? What do I do before the answered prayer? What if the answered prayer never comes? At least not in my timing?
Again, I came across a verse that I believe held the answer for me:
Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.Habakkuk 3:17-18
He is worthy of praise. He is worthy of praise regardless of whether or not he answers my prayers. He is worthy of praise because He is God. That is all.
Over the journey of these past few years, I have become comfortable that things can’t/won’t change. I have been exhausted and tired of praying the same unanswered prayer. It felt meaningless. It felt pointless. I have forgotten to hold on to this promise.
Just this week, I have been encouraged and reminded through a couple of things, to pick up my prayers of restoration again. He hasn’t forgotten. I hold on to the promise that he will restore all that has been lost.
It makes me wonder how many unanswered prayers and hopes are left on the wayside of life? How many dreams haven’t come to life because we are too scared to speak out yet again? Desires we barely dare to bring to him? It takes courage, but we have to go back. We have to bend down. To pick up that prayer and bring it to our heavenly father. He’s with us. He’s waiting for us.
God, please answer our prayers!
Be encouraged,
Jordan xo